ISMA Conference

IFPUG ISMA Conferences

The purpose of the ISMA (International Software Metrics & Analysis) Conference is to provide educational and networking opportunities to IFPUG members and software measurement professionals in general, by learning and sharing knowledge in the world of software measurement. Along with IFPUG publications and products, the goal of the ISMA conferences is to increase the global reach of Function Points Analysis and SNAP with strategically chosen themes by taking industrial and academic interest into consideration.


IFPUG was formally established in 1986 in Westerville, Ohio, USA, and the first conference was held that same year in Toronto, Canada. For the first several years, IFPUG held bi-annual, in-person multi-day conferences, along with workshops, committee meetings. First ISMA conference (ISMA1) took place in the month of September 2006 and was held in San Diego, CA.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ISMA conferences have changed in format, from a traditional face-to-face event to a virtual one-day annual conference, with the most recent having been ISMA19 held in June 2022.


For beginners, the conference program often combines regular presentations with educational workshops, during face-to-face events. For experts, it is a platform to share ideas with the measurement community and to learn from other experts. Networking opportunities offered by ISMA are highly valued in the industry.

Upcoming ISMA Conference

Registration is now open for the next ISMA Conference, October 4 in Madrid, Spain. This year’s theme will be “IT Value to the Business”.

The value that IT brings to the business is not in doubt. The question nobody agrees on is how to define it until we talk about the software product, which is undoubtedly the most important IT value. We are going to show you how to measure software product to determine the value IT contributes to the business and much more. Welcome to the true value of IT.

A major focus of ISMA22 will be how software size measurements using IFPUG methods will benefit businesses.

  • Are your customers challenging your estimates?
  • Do you want to measure and improve your team’s productivity?
  • Does your application quality align with your industry?
  • Does your estimates match the industry standard?

Included in this section you will the following:

The ISMA22 conference has been approved as an eligible event for certification extension credits towards IFPUG CFPS and CSS certifications. ISMA22 also enables you to earn PMI PDUs, PeopleCert CPDs and CEPAS SCH174 Training Credits.

ISMA22 Conference Agenda: Friday, October 4

Have you noticed something new in the Request for Proposals for Large Scale IT contracts from EU Agencies? Function Points and SNAP Points are now part of large-scale contracts. This is the result of the 2020 decision at the European Parliament. The Parliament decided with recommendations to all the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

The decision of The European Parliament “welcomes the new organizational structure put in place by the Agency to reinforce the capabilities needed for operational planning and the associated procurement, … the Agency may consider using the methodology of the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), a standard methodology for determining the price of development activities”.

This approach uses a price model with a unit-based price based on IFPUG Function Points or SNAP Points.

The mention of these measurement techniques in the context of EU IT project contracts suggests that the European Parliament has recommended or mandated standardized measurement methods like Function Points or SNAP Points for determining the price and planning of development activities in large-scale IT contracts.

Function Points (FP) and SNAP Points (Software Non-Functional Assessment Process) are measurement techniques used to assess the size and complexity of software development projects. These techniques help estimate the effort, cost, and resources required for software development activities and thereby consequently the price.

The rationale behind such a decision could include:
1. Standardization: By using internationally recognized measurement techniques like Function Points or SNAP Points, there is greater standardization and consistency in assessing project requirements and estimating project price.
2. Transparency: These measurement techniques provide a transparent and objective way to evaluate the scope and complexity of IT projects, which can help both the agencies and the contractors understand the project’s scope and requirements more clearly.
3. Cost Estimation: Using Function Points or SNAP Points can aid in more accurate cost estimation, which is crucial for budgeting and financial planning of large-scale IT projects.
4. Vendor Management: Standardized measurement techniques can make it easier to compare proposals from different vendors and assess their capabilities and pricing structures.
5. Risk Mitigation: A standardized approach to project measurement can potentially reduce the risk of scope creep, delays, and cost overruns by providing a clearer understanding of project complexity upfront.

As the European Union gains more experience utilizing IFPUG Sizing standards, it is crucial to understand that the approach might evolve. This dynamic environment makes it essential to thoroughly read the details in every Request for Proposal (RFP).

This presentation has been created based on Tender material found on
· Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)
· European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal
During the period 2020 to 2024

Christine Green is an accomplished IT professional and independent consultant known for her software project management and contracts expertise. Her advocacy for mutual success in client-supplier relationships highlights her belief in collaboration as the foundation of successful software development. Christine’s unique approach, equipped with a “Mary Poppins bag” of agile methodologies and innovative problem-solving techniques like LEGO Serious Play (LSP), is geared towards process improvement. Her ability to quickly understand complex business areas and communicate effectively across organizational levels underscores her versatility and knowledge, enabling her to navigate various projects and challenges adeptly. Christine’s dual role as a project manager and advisor on software contracts allows her to apply her extensive field knowledge actively, offering practical, tested advice.

A notable aspect of Christine’s career is her long-standing commitment to the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), where she has served as a dedicated volunteer for over 20 years and led as President from 2019 to 2021. Her contributions to IFPUG and her advisory work on significant EU projects have been instrumental in advancing the use of function point analysis for project estimation and management, further solidifying her reputation as a leader in the IT industry.

Christine’s dedication to continuous learning and professional growth, extensive experience, and leadership in applying IFPUG sizing standards exemplify her mantra, “Learning is Living.” At the ISMA22 she will share her knowledge with you for the benefit of you learning something new.

LedaMC has established the integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI) into the estimation process of function points, finetuning a model grounded in OpenAI’s GPT technology. This innovative approach enables the conversion of project requirements, presented in natural language across a diverse linguistic spectrum including English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, into immediate function point estimates. This methodology, known as Smart AI Estimation, combines the power of generative AI analysis with human expertise to significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of project estimation efforts.

The essence of this innovation lies in the application of generative AI’s advanced natural language processing capabilities to directly translate complex software project specifications into function points—a universally recognized metric for assessing the size and complexity of software development projects. Such a paradigm shift in estimation methodology not only streamlines the assessment process but also substantially mitigates the labour traditionally associated with these estimations.

Incorporating this AI-enhanced model into LedaMC’s Quanter tool, the company has demonstrated remarkable improvements in estimation speed and accuracy. This evolution is particularly noteworthy in the context of a comparative study conducted by LedaMC, which assessed the performance enhancement of both senior and junior estimators facilitated by this tool. The findings reinforce the technology’s capacity to amplify the estimators’ efficiency.

This advancement is indicative of the transformative potential of AI within the realm of software development estimation, introducing a new era in which technology augments traditional methodologies to achieve superior outcomes.

This development shows that companies can improve operational effectiveness, project planning precision, and resource distribution by using AI-based estimation processes. It highlights a strategic shift towards using technological innovations to gain an advantage in software project management and delivery.

Benefits for Participants – Improvement in operational effectiveness, project planning precision, and resource distribution by using AI-based estimation processes.

Andrés Darío Gutiérrez Poveda – With over two decades of hands-on experience in software development, with working experiences across multiple countries, including Colombia, Perú, Brazil, Spain, and the UK.

My academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Software Development (University of Andes) and a Master’s degree in Business Innovation with a specialization in Big Data Analytics (Universidad de Europa). I’ve also earned professional certifications such as Certified Function Points Specialist (CFPS), Certified COSMIC Foundation (CCFL), ITIL Foundations, and Professional Scrum Master (PSM I).

In addition to my technical expertise, I’m also a dedicated science fiction author. I’ve penned several novels that explore the intriguing worlds of artificial intelligence, futuristic technologies, and the profound impact of advanced language models. This creative pursuit has further honed my imaginative and innovative thinking, providing me with a unique perspective on the transformative potential of technology

In Present Scenario of Automotive Systems with high focus on Electronics & Software, Research & Development, Cost for Software is a big concern for Project Planning. In Most of the Scenarios, Organizations used to Estimate the Software Efforts Required for Automotive ECU development based on Past Project data or Past Experience, and it will vary from an Organization to Other.

The Approach of Universal Standard (IFPUG Function Points) can be a solution to Organizations (OEM & Tier 1 Suppliers) as based on available requirements, efforts can be Estimated & everyone will speak same Language of “Function Points”. Purpose of the Presentation would be to Provide an Overview of Automotive Software Cost Estimation with a Case Study.

Main Topics:
• AUTOSAR based Automotive software costing using Function Points
• Labor Cost & Non-Labor Cost

Benefits for Participants –
• Software Costing Approach in Automotive Software
• Project Planning & Budget Quotes Preparation

Renjith Ramananda Shenoi – Automotive Feature Owner Professional with 10 years of Experience from OEM & Tier1 Companies. I am a Function Points Enthusiast focusing on Automotive Software Sizing considering Autosar Architecture.

The co-author Esteban Sanchez is currently the chairperson of IFPUG Functional Sizing Standards Committee. He is an Estimation and Cost Analysis expert with broad experience in Software/Hardware Development and IT Projects. Specializing in software measurement and estimation, development, and verification for highly critical systems (Automotive, Avionics and Business Applications). Mr. Sanchez brings wide experience in parametric estimation, measurement and modeling of software development and IT projects. Certified as IFPUG and COSMIC Function Point specialist, SCRUM Master, Chairperson at the IFPUG Functional Sizing Standards Committee. Esteban has helped numerous organizations around the world to adopt formal estimation practices in Agile environments, including FPA.

The presentation will introduce the SFP method in its basic elements. It will highlight the advantages of using the Simple Function Points measurement method in terms of cost savings for the entire Measurement System related to the main phases:
• Introduction of the method in the current practices
• Execution of estimation and measurement of software
• Auditing of estimation and measurement of software
• Management of controversial about measurements

The sources of savings are related to:
• Reducing training costs
• Reducing competence maintaining costs
• Reducing experts turnover costs
• Reducing measurement costs
• Reducing internal and external auditing costs
• Reducing measurement controversial costs

Two business cases – for a small and a large organization – will be summarized.

Main Topics:
• Simple Function Point is a modern Functional Size Measurement Method: principles and main characteristics.
• The value of simplicity is in the reduction of costs in all the phases of a measurement process.
• Let’s quantify the savings in adopting SFP in two business cases.

Benefits for Participants:
• How to identify the sources of savings in the measurement
• How to quantify the advantages of using a simpler methodology for FSM

Roberto Meli graduated in Computer Science in 1984. In 1996, he became CEO of DPO Srl (Italy). Over the past 35 years he has developed focused competences in project management and software measurement and has written more than 95 papers for technical magazines and international conferences. He is a consultant and lecturer on project management and software measurement for many major Italian companies and public organizations. He developed the Early & Quick (E&Q) Function Point Analysis method and the Simple Function Points (SFP) method. He was a Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) from 1996 to 2004. Roberto has held leadership roles over the last 25 years including: Chairperson of the COSMIC Measurement Practices Committee, Chairperson of the GUFPI-ISMA and coordinator of its Counting Practices Committee; Conference Chairperson of SMEF (Software Measurement European Forum), and President of the Simple Function Point Association. Current roles: IFPUG Board of Directors, IFPUG Functional Sizing Standards Director, Board member of the GUFPI-ISMA (Gruppo Utenti Function Points Italia – Italian Software Measurement Association).

There are various challenges faced by customers/ vendors related to software sizing and estimations. In this presentation we will be sharing our implementation experience in addressing these challenges.

Software project estimation is very important activity as it assists project managers in effectively estimating critical project parameters such as cost and scope. The estimation ideally should consider all activities involved in the project lifecycle (Functional, non-Functional and project overheads). Recently we observed that customers are asking for estimations using standard sizing methodologies so that estimates are comparable with other vendors and can be challenged. Implementing estimation model using standard methodologies requires a systematic approach which we are going to cover in this presentation.

Team Productivity and Software Quality:
In software engineering the dominant focus has been upon all that is associated with software development. What has become clear over recent years is that if we want to produce quality software, cost-effectively then it will be necessary to focus on improving both the products of software development and the processes used to develop software. Hence most of the customers demand to measure the team productivity and software quality based on standard sizing methodologies. How to use IFPUG methodologies for measuring team productivity and software quality will be covered in this presentation.

Outcome based contract and KPIs:
Customers always wants to have agreement in place with vendor before starting any software project. To build mutual trust and transparency, the outcome-based contracts are more effective than the traditional contracts. The KPIs, framework of outcome-based contract will be discussed in this presentation

Main Topics:
• Overall software sizing or estimates using IFPUG FP, SNAP including project overheads.
• Prerequisites to implement sizing or estimates model.
• Overall Software sizing at various stages of SDLC
• Approach to define productivity baselines.
• Conversion of software size to effort estimates using productivity baselines
• Pilot Implementation and analysing outcomes
• Outcome based contract preparation – It’s framework, KPIs, mutual terms and conditions.
• Refine the baselines and actual implementation.
• Benefits – Achieve improvement in the team efficiency and product quality.

Benefits for Participants –
Participants will be able to get the answers to following business questions.
• Are your customers challenging your estimates?
• Do you want to measure and improve your team’s productivity?
• Does your application quality align with your industry?
• Does your estimates match the industry standard?
• Is your current contract building mutual trust and avoiding conflicts?

Saurabh Saxena is the current Vice President of IFPUG and the Director of Business view Committee. Saurabh has 19+ years of professional software sizing experience. Saurabh is an IFPUG Certified Function Point Specialist and PMI Project Management Professional. He is a Function Points / SNAP consultant, trainer, mentor, and specializes in Project Estimations, Productivity, Cost, and Quality Analysis. In addition, Saurabh has successfully established FP & SNAP based pricing models for major Telecom, Banking, and Insurance customers around the globe. In his free time, Saurabh shares his Project Management & Function Point/SNAP experiences in the form of blogs, articles, and whitepapers.

Kiran Yeole has overall 18+ years of IT experience in various areas (Project management, software development and delivery). Currently working with Amdocs as a Function Points Program Manager. He is leading various Function Point based engagements for Amdocs customers on estimations and measurements.
Kiran has also conducted many trainings on FP and SNAP for Amdocs, its partners, and customers. Kiran is chair of IFPUG events committee, and he has been a speaker at various ISMA conferences and was member of FSSC committee and IEEE working group for SNAP.

This presentation aims to explore accounting reporting methods that incorporate both technical and economic measurements of intangible assets. By leveraging measurement standards such as FPA (Function Point Analysis) and SNAP (Software Non-functional Assessment Process), as well as project management methodologies commonly used in application development, a more comprehensive understanding of the fair value of digital assets can be achieved.

Examples will be provided to illustrate the measurement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) assets within finance, Transfer Pricing, and judicial contexts. The evaluation of data, including a company’s dataset, is intricately linked to the software applications utilized within an organization. Similarly, this model can extend to assess the intrinsic value of a company’s know-how.

Furthermore, the presentation will delve into the utilization of blockchain technology to safeguard digital secrets while simultaneously enforcing Intellectual Property (IP) constraints. The measurement of IP and digital assets within the context of Artificial Intelligence will also be examined, offering insights into the evolving landscape of asset valuation in technologically advanced domains.

By integrating technical methodologies with economic valuation approaches, organizations can gain a more nuanced understanding of the worth of their intangible assets, leading to better decision-making processes and improved management of digital resources.

Main Topics:
• Measuring methods and ICT standards
• ICT economic evaluation and the International Accounting Standards (IAS)
• How to choose and select the correct market values
• Measuring the economic values of data and other intangible digital assets (web&social, know-how, trade mark)
• Using the blockchain to notarize the ICT expertise.

Benefits for Participants:
• The harmonization between the technical measurement models with accountant reporting models
• Obtain a method to calculate the fair value of an intangible asset.

Michele Canalini – Economy degree and management MBA – Rome University
Experience as IT Functional Analyst and Project Manager
15+ experience as ICT Procurement Officer
Court of Rome ICT Consultant
Independent ICT evaluator and consultant
Owner of the V-Learn eLearning platform
Owner of the EVIA method (Estimate and Evaluate Intangible Assets)

Chapter 6 in Part 1 of the current SNAP APM addresses determining of the Non-functional Size for an Enhancement Project, but examples provided do not clearly bring out the distinction between components CHG, CHGA and CHGB. This may lead to wrong practices while sizing SNAP in enhancement projects. The purpose of this iTip is to provide additional examples and to address scenarios that may be encountered in real world.

Significant change in the way CHG (based on the delta change brought in by the enhancement), CHGB (considering the situation before the enhancement) and CHGA (considering the overall situation after the enhancement) are calculated, indicates fundamental difference between the conceptual approaches of towards sizing the enhancement projects in case of FPA and SNAP.

It is very important to master this subtle change in the methodology to successfully apply SNAP methods while sizing enhancement projects

Main Topics:
• Terms and Definitions
• Sizing Problem for Measurement of Change in Non-functional Requirements
• The Possible Solutions for the certain Scenarios
• Applying the APM Correctly
• Difference between FP and SNAP.

Benefits for Participants:
• To understand subtle change in the methodology to successfully apply SNAP
• The approach allows SNAP to be introduced into a company without necessarily having to calculate nonfunctional baselines.

Sushmitha Anantha – Sushmitha is working as a Function Point Expert and Project Lead at Accenture India.She is currently the director of IFPUG NFSSC. She has worked for more than a decade in the fields of function point, related metrics, and function points productivity measurement in different domains, methodologies, and technologies.

Co-author Fabrizio Di Cola is currently the chair of IFPUG NFSSC.

System clock and other platform data are commonly used in modern software systems. Examples of platform data include network data (e.g., IP address, MAC Address), system identification data (e.g., OS Type, OS Name and Version) and any other data maintained within the Operating System (OS) or Runtime Environment. Platform data is sometimes used as tracking information, such as logging transactions, but some other times this data is significant and essential to satisfy business requirements. From the Function Point Analysis (FPA) point of view, information used by an application can be classified as one of the following, depending on their use in satisfying user requirements:
• Functional data: data that is necessary for business functions, required by elementary processes (EPs) to satisfy functional user requirements (data attributes or DETs).
• Non-functional data: data used by elementary processes to satisfy non-functional user requirements (for quality, standard audit and control, physical implementation and/or technical reasons).

Another type of data recognized in FPA is Control Information, which is defined as data that influences an elementary process by specifying what, when or how data is to be processed. Control information can be found in both, functional and non-functional forms. In this paper, specific guidance is provided on platform data acting as functional Control Information, following the CPM approach. This paper provides some examples and guidance on how to evaluate platform data

Marcello Sgamma, Member of IFPUG FSSC and NFSSC. Graduated in Computer Sciences at University of Pisa, with Diploma from Scuola Normale Superiore, works as a senior consultant at NTTdata, where acts as expert in functional and architectural analysis, and in software metrics.

In 30 years of experience in the ICT sector, he has gained skills from management of SW developments, to design of application and service management solutions, functional and architectural analysis of web portals, e-commerce solutions, etc. In recent years, consulting activities have focused on sizing of functional and non-functional developments, teaching and tutoring functional sizing, and in the functional analysis of projects and evolutions for the insurance market and for local public administration. CFPS and CSP since 2015, active member of FSSC and NFSSC since 2021, Cosmic CCFL

Esteban Sanchez is an Estimation and Cost Analysis expert with broad experience in Software/Hardware Development and IT Projects. Specializing in software measurement and estimation, development, and verification for highly critical systems (Automotive, Avionics and Business Applications).
Mr. Sanchez brings wide experience in parametric estimation, measurement and modeling of software development and IT projects. Certified as IFPUG and COSMIC Function Point specialist, SCRUM Master, Chairperson at the IFPUG Functional Sizing Standards Committee. Esteban has helped numerous organizations around the world to adopt formal estimation practices in Agile environments, including FPA.

Mr. Esteban Sanchez is a senior consultant at Galorath Incorporated, where he champions several organizations in the adoption of best practices for software, hardware, and IT estimation.

Speaker: Events Committee Chair

Date: Oct 3, 2024

Time: 2:00 to 2:30pm - On-site Check-in

Time: 2:30 to 6:30pm - A Practical Guide to Using IFPUG Sizing Standards in RFP and Contracts

Christine Green is an accomplished IT professional and independent consultant known for her software project management and contracts expertise. Her advocacy for mutual success in client-supplier relationships highlights her belief in collaboration as the foundation of successful software development. Christine's unique approach, equipped with a "Mary Poppins bag" of agile methodologies and innovative problem-solving techniques like LEGO Serious Play (LSP), is geared towards process improvement. Her ability to quickly understand complex business areas and communicate effectively across organizational levels underscores her versatility and knowledge, enabling her to navigate various projects and challenges adeptly. Christine's dual role as a project manager and advisor on software contracts allows her to apply her extensive field knowledge actively, offering practical, tested advice.

A notable aspect of Christine's career is her long-standing commitment to the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), where she has served as a dedicated volunteer for over 20 years and led as President from 2019 to 2021. Her contributions to IFPUG and her advisory work on significant EU projects have been instrumental in advancing the use of function point analysis for project estimation and management, further solidifying her reputation as a leader in the IT industry.

Christine's dedication to continuous learning and professional growth, extensive experience, and leadership in applying IFPUG sizing standards exemplify her mantra, "Learning is Living." At the ISMA22 she will share her knowledge with you for the benefit of you learning something new.

About the workshop:
In 2020, the European Parliament introduced significant changes to the procurement process for large-scale IT projects by recommending standardized measurement techniques such as Function Points (FP) and SNAP (Software Non-Functional Assessment Process) Points. These changes aim to enhance standardization, transparency, and accuracy in the assessment and costing of software development projects across EU agencies.

This hands-on workshop delves into the implications of these changes, providing participants with an understanding of how Function Points and SNAP Points are used in contracts. The session will cover the requirements in performing a contractual Function Point Analysis and software non-functional sizing measurements.

Participants will actively engage in practical, and review sample Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to identify and interpret these measurement techniques. The workshop will also include interactive role-play exercises in which participants respond to RFPs as vendors, gaining valuable insights into best practices for proposal development and pricing.

By the end of this workshop, attendees will understand the 2020 European Parliament decision and its impact on IT project contracts and be equipped with the practical knowledge and skills to effectively utilize Function Points and SNAP Points in large-scale IT projects. This will ensure optimized project planning and execution, leading to more successful and cost-effective projects.

Bear in mind that even though this is the European Parliament's approach from the outset, it can easily be used for private contracts that are not required to following the EU decision.

The workshop does not require you to be a Function Point or SNAP expert in any way.
Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the 2020 European Parliament decision and its impact on IT project contracts.
  • The usage of IFPUG Sizing and their application in project estimation.
  • Practical experience through interactive exercises and case studies.
  • Strategies for reading and responding to RFPs with standardized measurement techniques.
  • Best practices for clients and vendors leveraging these techniques for competitive proposals.
Join us for this engaging and informative session to stay ahead in the evolving landscape of Software project contracts and enhance your expertise in project measurement and management.

Date: Oct 5, 2024

Time: 08:30 to 09:00am - On-site Check-in

Time: 09:00am to 1:00pm - Measurement of Microservice Architectures Using FP and SNAP

Marcello Sgamma, Manjusha Misra 

Marcello Sgamma Member of IFPUG FSSC and NFSSC. Graduated in Computer Sciences at University of Pisa, with Diploma from Scuola Normale Superiore, works as a senior consultant at NTTdata, where acts as expert in functional and architectural analysis, and in software metrics.

In 30 years of experience in the ICT sector, he has gained skills from management of SW developments, to design of application and service management solutions, functional and architectural analysis of web portals, e-commerce solutions, etc. In recent years, consulting activities have focused on sizing of functional and non-functional developments, teaching and tutoring functional sizing, and in the functional analysis of projects and evolutions for the insurance market and for local public administration. CFPS and CSP since 2015, active member of FSSC and NFSSC since 2021, Cosmic CCFL.

Manjusha Misra is an active member of IFPUG non-functional sizing committee (NFSSC), Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) and Certified SNAP Specialist (CSS) from IFPUG.

Manjusha holds 23 years of experience in the IT industry of which 13 years have been in Measuring software deliverables. She earned her Master of Computer Application from NIT (National Institute of Technology), one of India's most prestigious universities.

She has vast experience in the areas of software development, software sizing, cost estimations, productivity analysis and continuous improvements. She worked with Civica, Mphasis and Vodafone in various roles such as Developer, Project Lead, Senior Project Manager and as Productivity Analyst.

Presently she is Self-Employed and holds the sole proprietorship of “M&I” Measure and Improve.

M&I, Measure and Improve focuses on Measurement & Continuous Improvement. Objective is to measure individual releases which are part of MVP release of a Software Project, and make sure project shows the Improvements in Productivity, Defect Density, Cost and in Quality areas.

About the workshop:
IFragmentation of software architectures in recent years has led, starting from the monolithic approach to SOA architectures, and then to microservice architectures and their deployment in the cloud, often mixing developments (PaaS) and configurations of existing functionalities (SaaS).

Considering the functional measurement of software complexity, the initial stages of FPA have gained importance: purpose, type and scope of the measurement, appropriate identification of boundaries and correct granularity of BFCs.

These aspects often have varying degrees of relevance and impact in the different architectures. In theory, technological evolution should not influence functional measurement for an application (i.e., FPA should be from implementation technology). When defining the same boundary and identifying the same user functions within an application, the functional measurement should not change.

In parallel with evolution of architectures, user requirements have also evolved, digging from the functional level into the technical and technological aspects. The complexity of architectures has increased, and we are facing a change in the level of acknowledgement of application functions and user view of the application, and a variety of counting purposes beyond simple “application sizing”. Therefore, boundaries can be re-defined, for all stakeholders’ advantage, and even measurement granularity can change, because of this new “user view”.

Applying non-functional assessment with SNAP, after proper definition of boundaries and partitions, allows for the sizing of the non-functional user requirements, complementing the FPA analysis and resulting in a comprehensive application or project size.

In this workshop, an overview of the FPA and SNAP concepts that are important for measuring Microservices will be covered. The concepts will be further illustrated with examples of microservices architectures, comparing measurements with different approaches, and highlighting critical aspects of functional measurement and their relevance in the accuracy of the results. Furthermore, some SNAP assessment examples will also be presented, showing how the non-functional assessment can be applied in analyzed approaches.

Main topics that will be covered:
  • Boundaries and partitions
  • Application of FPA to microservices with examples
  • Application of SNAP to microservices with examples
Benefits to the participants:
  • Understand importance of correct definition of purpose and user when sizing microservices
  • Understand importance of correct definition of boundaries and partitions when applying FPA and SNAP to SW sizing
  • Understanding of when to apply FPA and when to apply SNAP
  • Learn by examples how to size microservices architecture with FPA
  • Learn by examples how to assess microservices architecture with SNAP
  • Fully understand the strength of using SNAP and FP together

Date: Oct 5, 2024

Time: 08:30 to 09:00am - On-site Check-in

Time: 09:00am to 1:00pm - The comprehensive workshop on Non-functional sizing and preparation for CSS exam

Talmon Ben-Cnaan

Talmon Ben-Cnaan has a long ICT experience dealing with software metrics, quality assurance, and testing methodologies. Talmon led the IFPUG Non-Functional Sizing Standard Committee from 2012 to 2021 and led the formation of SNAP as an ISO/IEC/IEE standard (ISO/IEC/IEEE 32430:2021 and the forthcoming ISO/IEC/IEEE 32430:2024). Talmon was a quality and measurements manager at Amdocs until he retired. He led the company's Measurements Department, providing quarterly Projects Quality and Performance Reports. He was also responsible for implementing Function Points in his company.

About the workshop:
SNAP is the method of sizing the non-functional size of the software. Together with IFPUG FPA, both functional and non-functional requirements are sized, providing more accurate information for effort estimation and Project Performance analyses.

This SNAP workshop will provide you with all the knowledge you need to:

  • Understand SNAP.
  • Prepare for the CSS exam.
  • Sell SNAP in your organization.
  • Use SNAP for effort estimation, cost evaluation, and KPI's calculations.
Main Topics that will be covered during the workshop.
  1. Overview and non-functional sizing concept
    • 1.1. Classification of requirements
    • 1.2. The user
  2. SNAP Overview
    • 2.1. How SNAP was formed
    • 2.2. SNAP features
    • 2.3. Basic Terms
    • 2.4. The sizing process
    • 2.5. Complementarity of FPA and SPA
    • 2.6. Using SNAP in your organization
  3. SNAP categories and sub-categories
    • 3.1. Definitions
    • 3.2. Examples
  4. CSS–like examples

Onsite Exams: October 5

There will be an opportunity to take either the FPA exam (CFPS/CFPP) or SNAP exam (CSS/CSP) onsite at the event. Individuals who register for Workshop 3 will receive a discount code that can be used to register for the SNAP exam at a reduced rate.

Attendees are required to provide their own personal computer to complete the exam onsite with a proctor.

Get started now by emailing the team at Brightest to assist with your registration.

Note: Candidates who register for the CSS Exam will be eligible for discounted registration for Workshop 3 with a discount code provided from IFPUG headquarters.

Register for CSS Exam Hosted at IFPUG ISMA22 Conference in Madrid

Hotel Information

The host hotel for all of the events above will be Crowne Plaza Madrid Centre Retiro in Madrid.

A link to secure rooms at the host hotel will be made available shortly.

Thank You to Our Sponsors


Registration is now open for the ISMA22 Conference and optional workshops. Please view the pricing below for eligible discounts if attending a combination of the conference and workshops.

Early Bird Discount registrations completed before August 5 will receive a 10% reduction in fees below.

The following registration options are available now:

Registration Option Members Non-Members
ISMA Conference $125 USD $199* USD
Virtual Conference Attendance $125 USD $199* USD
In-Person Single Workshop Attendance $195 USD $299* USD
Bundled Pricing
Conference + One Workshop $270 USD $448* USD
In-Person Two Workshops Attendance $340 USD $548* USD
Conference + Two Workshops $415 USD $697* USD
SNAP Workshop + SNAP Exam
SNAP Exam + Workshop 3 $320** USD $424** USD

*Non-member pricing will include individual regular membership with IFPUG through June 30, 2025

**A discount code will be provided after registering for the SNAP exam that can be applied to workshop 3 to received the bundled discount

Note: If you are planning to register 5 or more people from your company, please email [email protected] to determine eligibility for discounted group pricing.

Conferences from Past


Virtual Conference - Dec 1, 2023

Presented by Charley Tichenor  Session Description: Functional software describes “what” the software will do. IFPUG interprets these aspects as external inputs, external outputs, external inquiries,...

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Presented by Manjusha Misra - Recording Coming Soon Session Description: Starting with some scenarios involving application enhancements that do not involve changes to functional requirements,...

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Presented by Alfonso González Mateo  Session Description: There are many, more and more, organizations that are committed to use the size of software to help...

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Presented by Sushmitha Anantha  Session Description: The topic of technical debt is very diverse. This term is used for wide spectrum of problems related to...

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Presented by Luigi Buglione  Session Description: In the IFPUG FPA method an Elementary Process is characterized by three elements: set of DETs, set of FTRs...

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Virtual Conference - May 4, 2023

Presented by Thomas Cagley Session Description: Explicit transparency is a hallmark of all agile approaches. Measurement is one form of making the impact of development...

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Presented by Charles Wesolowski Session Description: This presentation demonstrated the capability of automatically counting Function Points from well-formed Software Component Architectures expressed in SysML. Students...

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Presented by Christine Green Session Description: The consistency of the usage of FPA is extremely important for the benefits of FPA in the business area....

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Presented by Luigi Buglione Session Description: One of the elements initially present in the FPA (not only in the IFPUG version) is the VAF (Value...

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Virtual Conference – June 24, 2022

Presented by Daniel French & Carol Dekkers Session Description: Roberto Meli developed a more streamlined function point analysis methodology based on the International Function Point...

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Presented by Saurabh Saxena Session Description: Software Nonfunctional Assessment Process (SNAP) was developed to size non-functional project requirements which were non-sizable by traditional Function Point...

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Presented by Charley Tichenor Session Description: During the 1990s and early 2000s, there were questions about the usefulness of function points for the portion of...

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Presented by Charles Wesolowski Session Description: This session will include the following overview: Model Based System Engineering IFPUG Meta Model Elements and Types Functional Analysis...

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Virtual Conference – June 24, 2021

Presented by Carlos Eduardo Vazquez Session Description: This presentation addresses the software development economic environment in the last decade and how it has changed the...

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Presented by Julián Gómez Session Description: Discover the 7 key points of function point methodology. These include product focus, use by the international community, improved...

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Presented by Fabrizio Di Cola and Domenico Geluardi Session Description: In the current scenario of the IT world, security is one of the preponderant factors...

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Karnataka, India – March 8, 2019

Michael Milutis   Abstract: In this session, Michael Milutis will share what he has learned from having consulted with hundreds of project management and IT...

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Abstract: In the era of the internet of things (IoT) the boundaries of hardware/software combinations that were once standalone now have expanded. In your kitchen...

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Abstract: The presentation will describe how a team training program can enhance the team’s skills, based on a new, creative set of metrics. In addition...

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Abstract: Shu-Ha-Ri is a Japanese martial art concept which describes the progression of learning to mastery. This concept can be applied to various disciplines and...

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Abstract: What are Micro-services? : Micro services is a form of service-oriented architecture style wherein applications are built as a collection of different smaller services...

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Abstract: CMMI v 2.0 released in April 2018, has allotted a separate process area for estimation which is entirely based on solution-size measurement. In this...

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Abstract: The advent of digital has brought about a paradigm shift in developing IT solutions. Today’s customers expect exceptional creativity in solving business problems, requiring...

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Abstract: Main Topics: Why Objective Sizing like Functional Sizing is still required for Agile Deliveries How to define Categories of T-shirt sizes to achieve functional...

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Abstract: Using Functional Sizing on Agile projects requires integration of delivery process with measurement process. The gaps, if any, can take away the whole purpose...

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Abstract: When Agile trends started picking up, we heard enough about ‘Function Points are not suitable for Agile’, ‘Function Points are too heavy for Agile’...

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Abstract: Nucleon’s and Function Points, a match made in heaven for C-level visibility of IT. To most C-level management, their company’s IT department is a black...

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