Contact Us

Headquarters Office

191 Clarksville Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550

[email protected]



Country Points of Contact (for help in different languages):


Cristiane Baccarin

[email protected]


JJ Cao

[email protected]


Lionel Perrot

[email protected]


Alessandro Mei

[email protected]


Sri Lakshmi Kanniah

[email protected]


Iván Pinedo

[email protected]


Saurabh Saxena

[email protected]

Republic of South Korea

Jo Bong Hyun

[email protected]

Meet the IFPUG Headquarters Team:

Christian Amato

Executive Director

[email protected]

MacAdie Ferguson

Operations Manager

[email protected]

Taylor Macdonald

Administrative Support

[email protected]

Jennifer Kohlhepp

Marketing Manager

Natalie Spangenberg

Social Media Manager

Website managed by CMA Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Function Points are an internationally standardized unit of measure used to represent software size.

Learn More
This is a question that each company must answer on its own. Some things to think about:

  • Do we want to get a complete baseline done in a few months? If the answer to this question is yes, it might be wise to have several certified counters come in and help you. While this counting is being done, you can have one or more employees get certified in function point counting who will then be able to maintain this baseline themselves.
  • We just want to start counting and estimating our “big projects.” If this is what you are after, you could send a few employees to an IFPUG workshop and/or conference to get trained. After training, they would be able to perform the counts and start collecting data. You also want to think about having one or more employees certified in function point counting to audit the counts.
  • You don’t have a clue what the boss is looking for only that you have to start measuring. If you fit into this group, you may want to bring in a consultant who can perform a Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) session to determine with which measurements to start. At this point, you can send a few people to an IFPUG workshop and/or conference to get trained.
  • You are part of a huge company and the boss wants to start measuring EVERYTHING right now. If you find yourself here, you may want to bring in a consultant to:
    • Perform a Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) session
    • Train several people to count function points
  • You also may want to designate a few people to be the overall coordinators of the effort and several people who will perform the counts and collect the data. The coordinators should definitely be certified function point counters as they will be called on the audit counts and make decisions when questions arise.

Navigate to the Public Certification Search page on the IFPUG website and submit a query using the name fields and other appropriate search criteria.

Language Position Statement

IFPUG as an International Organization

In addition to having "International" in its name, IFPUG's presence spans a large number of countries in all continents. IFPUG has members in Australia, Japan, Korea, India, South Africa, Netherlands, Canada and Brazil, just to name a few. IFPUG's Vision Plan confirms the international nature of IFPUG:

"IFPUG will be an industry leader in the enhancement and dissemination of function point counting standards and practices throughout the international community."[1]

The publication of the IFPUG method as an ISO PAS certainly increases IFPUG presence in the world of software engineering.

It is a fact that, both in its definitions as well as in practice, IFPUG is an international organization.

Language Policies in Effect

The operational language used by IFPUG is English. All IFPUG communication is conducted in English. This seems natural because IFPUG was created, and is still based, in the United States. Knowledge of English is a requirement for certain activities, as can be seen below.

  • "3. Because the operational language of IFPUG is English, nominees must be functionally literate in English."[2]
  • "7. All CFPS Certification Extension applications and supporting documentation submitted must be in English."[3]

Care was taken in the IFPUG bylaws to state that the only operational language used by IFPUG is English. This does not preclude the use of other languages in specific circumstances. For example, the IFPUG CPM is currently available in several languages, including Italian and Spanish. The acceptance and use of other languages may be of paramount importance to IFPUG as the market for function point use expands worldwide.

The IFPUG position on language is:

  1. IFPUG's operational language is English. English shall continue to be used in all IFPUG's internal and external communication.
  2. As an international organization, in principle, IFPUG accepts and recognizes all languages used by its membership.
  3. Operational constraints may render the acceptance of certain languages impractical at certain times. These constraints include, but are not limited to, the availability of knowledgeable translators, volunteers and budgetary restrictions.
  4. IFPUG will always be willing to cooperate with members interested in translating or assisting in the translation of relevant documents.