Presented by Renjith Ramananda Shenoi , Esteban Sanchez
Session Description: In Present Scenario of Automotive Systems with high focus on Electronics & Software, Research & Development, Cost for Software is a big concern for Project Planning. In Most of the Scenarios, Organizations used to Estimate the Software Efforts Required for Automotive ECU development based on Past Project data or Past Experience, and it will vary from an Organization to Other.
The Approach of Universal Standard (IFPUG Function Points) can be a solution to Organizations (OEM & Tier 1 Suppliers) as based on available requirements, efforts can be Estimated & everyone will speak same Language of “Function Points”. Purpose of the Presentation would be to Provide an Overview of Automotive Software Cost Estimation with a Case Study.
Main Topics:
- AUTOSAR based Automotive software costing using Function Points and
- Labor Cost & Non-Labor Cost
Benefits for Participants –
- Software Costing Approach in Automotive Software
- Project Planning & Budget Quotes Preparation
Speaker Bio:
Renjith Ramananda Shenoi – Automotive Feature Owner Professional with 10 years of Experience from OEM & Tier1 Companies. I am a Function Points Enthusiast focusing on Automotive Software Sizing considering Autosar Architecture.
Esteban Sanchez – is an Estimation and Cost Analysis expert with broad experience in Software/Hardware Development and IT Projects. Specializing in software measurement and estimation, development, and verification for highly critical systems (Automotive, Avionics and Business Applications).
Mr. Sanchez brings wide experience in parametric estimation, measurement and modeling of software development and IT projects. Certified as IFPUG and COSMIC Function Point specialist, SCRUM Master, Chairperson at the IFPUG Functional Sizing Standards Committee. Esteban has helped numerous organizations around the world to adopt formal estimation practices in Agile environments, including FPA.
Mr. Esteban Sanchez is a senior consultant at Galorath Incorporated, where he champions several organizations in the adoption of best practices for software, hardware, and IT estimation.