Function Point Analysis

IFPUG has three levels of Certifications related to Function Point

For detailed information about taking the Certification, see Taking the CFPS Exam.

If a CFPS Certification has already been accomplished, a Certification Extension Program (CEP) is available. For more information click here (Certification Extension Program, CEP)

CFPS Overview

The Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) designation has been the standard of recognition in the metrics community since 1993. It is available to those striving to apply objectivity to software development efforts in the sizing of requirements, the identification of changes to requirements, the estimation of project duration and work effort based on requirements, and the measurement and improvement of productivity and quality. It is a valuable, respected worldwide mark of a professional’s commitment to personal and professional metrics development.

At this time, industry recognition of the quality and integrity of the CFPS Certification Exam process and the value of the CFPS designation is widespread enough that companies around the world now commonly include FPA and CFPS requirements in contracts.

The CFPS designation indicates that the accredited individual, by passing a rigorous exam and achieving a score of 90% or better, has mastered the fundamentals of Function Point Analysis at a significant depth and breadth in applying the Function Point Analysis rules.

Apply Now!

CFPP Overview

The Certified Function Point Practitioner (CFPP) designation recognizes the knowledge and skill at applying the FPA rules that are high, but not up to the Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) standards.

The CFPP requires that the candidate has a minimum of 80% overall on the exam and a minimum of 70% in each of the three sections: Definition, Implementation and Case Study. The CFPS requires a minimum of 90% overall and a minimum of 80% in each of the three sections.

The CFPP designation is, to provide a path, for those examinees that did well but did not score 90 percent on the exam, to practice Function Point Analysis (FPA). Thus, a CFPP is certified to perform FPA and further prepare to re-test in the future for the (CFPS) if this is desired. By design, the CFPP designation both encourages examinees to participate in a vibrant measurement community and facilitates the growth of the individual as a function point analyst. The CFPS and the CFPP designations result from exam scores that compare favorably with many other industry certifications. The scores for these designations represent a significant standard among potential counting professionals.

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CFPS Fellow Overview

The certification designation of CFPS Fellow is for members who have 20 years of continuous CFPS certification with a lapse not greater than six months. The Certification Committee will notify members when they have achieved the designation of Fellow. There is no special test or application process. There is no fee to be paid to achieve this status.

Once achieved, the CFPS Fellow designation allows the individual to retain their certification without re-examination as long as they maintain their membership in IFPUG.

Each year the CFPS Fellow will be awarded on April 15th for all CFPS candidates who were awarded their certification between January 1st and June 30th and have completed 20 years of continuous certification. CFPS Fellows will be awarded September 15th for all CFPS candidates who were awarded their certification between July 1st and December 31st and have completed 20 years of continuous certification.

IFPUG membership must be active at the time of the award and CFPS Certification must not expire prior to the award date of the CFPS Fellow.

View Current CFPS Fellows

Taking the CFPS Certification Examination

The certification, registration, result and certificate is delivered by IFPUG’s Certification partner Brightest. There are three options to take electronic exam with Brightest:

  1. Brightest Center Exam: electronic exam for individuals with instant results at any of the 5200+ Pearson VUE Test Centres in over 175 countries
  2. Brightest Private Exam: electronic exam for individuals with instant results administered by a Pearson expert via webcam, anywhere in the world.
  3. Brightest Green Exam: electronic exam with instant results for groups of 6 or more participants at the same time, worldwide.

The candidate needs to register for the certification with Brightest based on their preferred language from the available exam language options. Currently the Certification Examination is delivered by Brightest in the following languages:

View Exam Overview and Apply Now

The above respective Certification Examination Overview and Guideline contains all information about the concept of the certification as well as how to register for the Certification with Brightest.

For a given region, if the Brightest Private Certification Examination is available, then it is the preferred form examination. If a special candidate group wishes to have a regional Brightest Green or Brightest Center examination on site, then the Certification Committee will occasionally approve this together with Brightest. Please contact [email protected] for a special request.

For any other languages IFPUG refers to the Arranging a Regional Examination section below.

CFPP/CFPS Exam Overview

This section is intended as an overview of the background and policies surrounding the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) Exam.


As the use of Function Point Analysis (FPA) continues to grow, it is essential that individuals with a specialized level of knowledge and skills be recognized. The CFPS designation is a formal recognition of a level of expertise in the area of FPA, specifically expertise in both knowledge and application of the IFPUG counting rules according to the IFPUG Counting Practices Manual (CPM).

The dictionary defines the word certify as: 1. a. To confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine; testify to or vouch for in writing. b. To guarantee as meeting a standard; attest. In order to formally confirm this specialized level of expertise, IFPUG established Certification Committee (CC) to develop and administer the CFPS Exam. This examination is the mechanism for certifying that an individual meets the requirements to qualify as a CFPS.

An individual who passes the CFPS Exam receives a formal certificate from IFPUG stating “IFPUG certifies that [name] has met the requirements as specified by the standards and guidelines of the International Function Point Users Group to qualify as a Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) for the [version/series] of the Counting Practices Manual.” The certificate is signed by the Certification Committee Chair, as an authorized representative of IFPUG, and indicates the Month and Year the exam was taken, as well as the Month and Year the certification expires. The CFPS Certificate will be valid for a period of three (3) years. An individual may remain certified by either taking the CFPS exam in the third year of certification or by applying for extensions through the CFPS Certification Extension Program. Effective July 1, 2003, a Regular Membership, Affliate Membership or Academic Membership in IFPUG is required to hold the CFPS designation and receive a Certificate.

The Exam is a rigorous test of both the knowledge of the counting rules laid out in the current release of the CPM and the ability to apply those rules. The exam consists of three sections: Definition, Implementation and Case. An individual must have at least 90% overall correct with at least 80% correct on each section of the exam in order to receive the CFPS designation.

The IFPUG CPM is the guiding body of knowledge for developing the CFPS Exam. As one of the IFPUG Counting Standards committees, the IFPUG CC is subject to rulings of the IFPUG Board of Directors, ensuring the integrity and credibility of the CFPS Exam.

Download the Latest IFPUG Counting Pratices Manual (CPM) Release

The CPM’s primary objectives are:

  • Comply with ISO/IEC 14143-1:2007
  • Provide a clear and detailed description of function point counting
  • Ensure that counts are consistent with the counting practices of IFPUG affiliate members
  • Provide guidance to allow function point counting from the deliverables of popular methodologies and techniques
  • Provide a common understanding to allow tool vendors to provide automated support for function point counting

Available in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean

Industry Value

At this time, industry recognition of the quality and integrity of the CFPS/CFPP Exam process and the value of these designations is widespread enough that companies around the world now commonly include FPA and IFPUG Certification requirements in contracts.

As companies use FPA more and more in their contracts, IFPUG, as the body who certifies an individual’s capability, must ensure that the certified individual does indeed have the required expertise. Therefore, ongoing renewal that includes active testing is required to maintain the current high status of the CFPS/CFPP designation and to maintain IFPUG’s reputation as the certifying body.

Both the CFPS and the CFPP designations allow customers and providers to have additional qualified personnel involved with a counting activity.

Exam Structure

The Exam is structured so that both the knowledge and the ability to apply the definitions and rules as published in the current CPM are tested. The three-hour exam currently is composed of three sections: Definition, Implementation, Case Study.

  • The Definition section consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. The Definition section specifically tests the individual’s knowledge of definitions and rules.
  • The Implementation section consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. The Implementation section indirectly tests the individual’s knowledge of definitions and rules, and directly tests the individual’s ability to apply the definitions and rules through small story problems.
  • The Case Study section consists of 10 case studies, with 90 to 100 associated line items. The Case Study section directly tests the individual’s ability to apply the definitions and rules of the CPM using varying case topics.

The Exam is created in English and is usually administered in English. However, bi-lingual CFPS will occasionally volunteer to work with the CC to translate the exam to other languages. For example, regional Exams have recently been offered in Italian, Portuguese and Korean. As stated previously, the purpose of the exam is to test the candidate’s knowledge and his/her ability to apply that knowledge. The proctor will allow a maximum of three (3) consecutive hours to complete the CFPS exam. There will be no scheduled breaks during the three (3) hours. The purpose is not to test the candidate’s English language skills. For that reason, if a participant has difficulty with the language of the exam because that language is not their native language, or is not one of the primary business languages of the country, they may request an additional thirty (30) minutes of exam time. An individual can be considered competent in a language when he/she has the knowledge that enables him/her to speak and understand that language. Time extension requests must be made prior to the start of the exam, and are granted at the sole discretion of the proctor. Note: Time extensions are made on a person by person basis and are not to be given to all participants.

It is the CC’s policy to review all comments an individual records on their exam answer sheet, and to give credit whenever a comment supports the given answer. Also, if a mistake is made in the Case Section it is only counted wrong one time — during the scoring process the CC will re-calculate successive answers based on the individual’s original answer.

The successful CFPS candidate must have at least 90% overall correct with at least 80% correct on each section of the exam. If a candidate does not meet the requirements for a CFPS, but has at least 80% overall with at least 70% correct on each section of the exam, they will be awarded a CFPP (Certified Function Point Practitioner) designation instead.

The CFPS certificate is valid for three years from the time the Exam was passed. Candidates who do not pass may re-take the Exam at any time, provided at least 14 days have passed from the prior sitting.

Exam Feedback Policy

Feedback is provided to all candidates who sit for the Exam. For successful candidates the feedback is a letter from the IFPUG office plus the CFPS certificate. For candidates who do not pass, the feedback is a letter from the IFPUG office plus Exam percentages by section. These percentages give a general indication of areas requiring additional study before sitting again.

The IFPUG CC does not provide any lower level of feedback detail to anyone, either topical or specific content. Key testing topics remain consistent from one Exam version to the next. Also, some specific questions may be reused or a case study of a similar nature may be used from one Exam version to the next. There is the possibility that questions missed by a candidate on one Exam may be on the next version of the Exam. To review these questions with a candidate would be unfair to others taking the Exam.

Helpful Hints

The following general and/or anecdotal observations may be helpful to candidates preparing for the Exam:

  • Successful CFPS candidates typically have been formally trained in Function Point Analysis, and have a counting experience level of greater than 14,000 function points.
  • If you have not been counting FP regularly within the last six months, make an effort to do as many real or practice counts as possible – without the aid of a counting tool. Most people (including those that have attained CFPS) find that FP counting skills and mechanics tend to slow and weaken without regular use.
  • Check your answer sheet carefully before returning to the proctor. There have been many instances where people have left questions with no answer marked or selected, which must be therefore be counted as an incorrect answer.
  • Some people have made “flash cards” by reviewing the CPM and writing definitions, rules, etc. on index cards. They reviewed the “flash cards” whenever they had a few free moments – a break during a meeting, sitting in a traffic jam, waiting for the washing machine to finish the spin cycle. They indicated that this technique helped their confidence and recall, as well as their time management during the Exam.
  • There are several vendors who do provide CFPS Exam Preparation training. This training does not guarantee that an individual will pass the exam; however, past training participants have stated that it does better prepare them for the actual CFPS Exam. This training is available at the IFPUG Workshops.
  • Some vendors provide practice CFPS exams in hardcopy form or accessible via the Internet.
  • Some people who have taken the Exam at both a conference/workshop and at a regional have indicated that the regional setting was more relaxed and maybe even quieter. Consider your noise level tolerance when planning your Exam sitting.
  • IFPUG Case Studies are available and can be used as study aid for both applying rules and for practicing case work.
  • Special care should be taken to completely read and follow all CFPS examination instructions. The Proctors can answer any questions about the instructions, where and how to show your work, etc.

Exam Day Rules

Rules are read before every exam session, whether at a conference, workshop or regional location:

  1. Failure to comply with the following instructions or instructions of the proctor may result in invalidation of your exam.
  2. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers. Use of electronic devices is prohibited during the exam; however, non-programmable calculators are permitted.
  3. Talking to anyone other than the proctor is not permitted during the exam.
  4. All materials, including the answer sheet, exam booklet, and used scrap paper must be returned to the proctor and you must sign out at the end of the exam.
  5. Please legibly print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the exam booklet and on all pages of the answer sheet. You may write on the exam booklet and the answer sheet.
  6. The CFPS exam is open book. Individuals who wish to utilize the Counting Practices Manual (CPM) during a regional or IFPUG workshop exam must provide their own copy of the version of the CPM being tested. The CPM must be bound (e.g. three ring binder, spiral binding, tape binding, etc.). The proctor is required to inspect each individual’s copy of the CPM to ensure it is bound. Unbound copies of the CPM will not be allowed and will be confiscated and returned to the individual after the exam has ended. The proctor will not have in their possession additional copies of the CPM for use during the exam. Participants may use their own calculators and/or vendor-supplied quick reference cards. In all cases, however, the IFPUG CPM shall be used as the basis for scoring the exam. The proctor will ensure that only the CPM, a calculator and/or vendor-supplied quick reference cards are used during the CFPS exam. The only exception to this is the use of language-translation dictionaries. Important note: the exam is not open book if taken at a Brightest site and the applicant may not bring a calculator, quick reference card, nor the IFPUG CPM. These are available online for use while taking the exam.

Download the CPM Quick Reference Guide (QRG)

The QRG features key information from the Function Point Counting Practices Manual (CPM) condensed into one easy page. This is a must-have resource for individuals pursuing their CFPS certification.

Available in English, Brazilian Portuguese and Italian

  1. If English is not your first language you may use an English translation dictionary. If a participant has difficulty with the language of the exam because that language is not their native language, or is not one of the primary business languages of the country, they may request an additional thirty (30) minutes of exam time . Time extension requests must be made before the exam begins, and are granted at the sole discretion of the proctor. Note: Time extensions are made on a person-by-person basis and are not to be given to all participants.
  2. The exam is three hours with no scheduled breaks; if you need a break, just leave and return as soon as possible; we will announce time checks at each hour and approximately every five minutes for the last 15 minutes of the exam.
  3. Be sure that you have an answer for all multiple-choice questions as blanks will be counted as wrong answers.
  4. For case studies be sure that you clearly label each of your answers, and that you have an answer for each question space provided. However, many case study answers request multiple parts, so if one part does not apply to a particular answer then leave that part blank or specify that part as not applicable (n/a). Calculated answers may be rounded or left as a decimal. Show your work – work shown on the answer sheet will be considered during scoring.
  5. If a mistake is made in the Case Section it is only counted wrong one time — during the scoring process we will re-calculate successive answers based on your original answer.
  6. If you believe any questions or answer options are unclear, write a note on the answer sheet, clearly identifying to which question your note refers. Only notes on the answer sheet will be considered when scoring the exam.
  7. Raise your hand if you need any clarification; we will not assist in interpretation or provide any answers.
  8. Upon completion of the exam, bring the answer sheet, exam booklet, and used scrap paper to the front of the room and sign the sign-out list. Your exam results will be withheld if you do not return all materials and sign out.
  9. The exam consists of three sections: Definition, Implementation and Case. A successful exam will have at least 90% overall correct with at least 80% correct on each section of the exam. The exam scores will be published four to six (4-6) weeks after receipt by the IFPUG office.
CFPS Code of Ethics

The IFPUG Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) Code of Ethics states that as an IFPUG CFPS:

  1. I will promote the understanding of Function Point Counting Practices, methods, and procedures.
  2. I have an obligation to the FP community to uphold the high ideals and level of personal knowledge as evidenced by the certification held.
  3. I have an obligation to serve the interest of my employers and/or clients loyally, diligently, and honestly.
  4. I will not engage in any conduct or commit any act which is a discredit to the reputation or integrity of the CFPS Program, IFPUG, or the information system community.
  5. I will not imply or otherwise convey that the CFPS designation is my sole claim to professional competence. I will continuously strive for professional knowledge and growth.
  6. I will not engage in any activity during the administration of the exam that could provide any of the participants, including myself, with an unfair advantage for successful completion of the exam.

Upon successful completion of the CFPS Exam and by accepting his/her CFPP/CFPS certificates, a CFPP/CFPS agrees to:

  1. hold IFPUG harmless from any and all liability arising out of their professional activities, and
  2. abide by and uphold the IFPUG Code of Ethics.

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Arranging a Regional Examination

Hosting a Regional Examination

Effective October 1, 2007, the cost of an IFPUG regional exam is $250.00. Some regional exam hosts may charge an additional fee to cover the costs of hosting the exam. Additional fees will not be collected by IFPUG.

Download the necessary documents to get started:

Upcoming Regional Exams

There are currently no regional exams scheduled.

CFPS Certification Extension Program (CEP)

The CFPS is a cornerstone of the IFPUG member recognition program and, to be successful, must be dynamic and improve with the times. The current enhancements to the CFPS program certification requirements will ensure that metrics professionals are recognized as they continue to develop professionally and remain up-to-date with the current concepts of Function Point Analysis. The latest changes to the CFPS certification program reflect the active involvement and commitment of the IFPUG membership to stay current and to enhance and improve both skills and knowledge.


In the past, continued CFPS certification has been achieved through reexamination every three (3) years. The CFPS Certification Extension program provides an alternative to the examination. Before their current certification expires, individuals may extend their current level of CFPS certification for up to three (3) years in one (1) year increments by completing cumulative activities in a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) Activity Categories (as defined later).


Individuals may extend their current level of CFPS certification for up to three (3) years in one (1) year increments by completing multiple occurrences within a given Activity Category with a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) occurrences.

The only limitation in the number of extensions an individual may obtain is the release of a major change in the Counting Practices Manual (as defined later).

The CFPS Certification Extension program is under the jurisdiction of the IFPUG Certification Committee, with oversight provided by the IFPUG Board of Directors (BOD). It is the Committee’s responsibility to consider suggestions from the members and to ensure that the CFPS Certification Extension program remains current in adapting to the ever-changing metrics environment.

The IFPUG Board of Directors reserves the right to discontinue the CFPS Certification Extension program at any time, without advance notice. CFPS Certification Extension program applications postmarked prior to the discontinuance will be evaluated under the current program rules; applications postmarked after the discontinuance will not be evaluated.

Extension Availability

In order to obtain a CFPS Certification Extension an individual must hold a CFPS designation in the most current Major Change (see 2.4.2) of the IFPUG Counting Practices Manual (CPM). In addition, BOTH the Activity-Credit Criteria described in Section 2.2 must be met AND a valid extension option from the Options for CFPS Certification Extension described in Section 2.4 must be available.

An individual who is applying for a CFPS Certification Extension must ensure that his/her application and supporting documentation arrives at the IFPUG Office or is postmarked 30 calendar days prior to his/her CFPS expiration date. Applications received or postmarked less than 30 days prior to his/her CFPS expiration date will be charged a $100 late fee.

Because of the 30-day lead-time required to validate and audit each application, it is possible that an individual will not have completed 100% of his/her planned Activities prior to the submission deadline. The individual must identify on his/her application the remaining planned Activity(ies) and provide supporting documentation upon completion of the Activity(ies).

Activity-Credit Criteria

In order to qualify for a CFPS Certification Extension, individuals must meet the Activity-Credit criteria described below.

  1. Individuals may accumulate Certification Extension Activities (CEA) from any of the Activities listed in the Activity-Credit Table.
  2. Individuals must accumulate a minimum of 1 activity and must not exceed 3 activities in the defined eligibility period.

Or Individuals must accumulate a minimum of 1 occurrence in a given activity and must not exceed 3 occurrences in a given activity in the defined eligibility period

  1. Individuals are not required to accumulate CEA from any particular Activity.
  2. All CFPS Certification Extension application and supporting documentation submitted must be in English.
  3. The eligibility period for accumulating CEA credit is three years prior to the expiration of an individual’s CFPS Certification.
    1. An individual has three (3) years from the date that they become certified by passing the CFPS Exam to accumulate sufficient CEA credit to have their CFPS Certification extended for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years.
    2. Activities completed more than three (3) years before the time the current CFPS Certification or CFPS Certification Extension expires will not be considered for CEA credit.
    3. Any specific instances of an activity previous awarded CEC will not be considered for CEC.
  4. The subsequent eligibility period for accumulation CEA is based on the length of time the CFPS Certification Extension has been granted.
    1. During the subsequent eligibility period, an individual can accumulate sufficient CEA credit to have their CFPS certification extended by one (1), two (2) or three (3) years based on the number of CEA.
    2. Activities completed prior the subsequent eligibility period will not be considered for CEA Credit.

EXAMPLE – If a CFPS received a two year Certification Extension by way of the Certification Extension Program, that CFPS would have the two years prior to latest CFPS expiration date to accumulate sufficient CEA Credit to have their CFPS certification extended for a further length of time (1, 2, or 3 years). Any CEA activities completed prior to that two year period would be ineligible for CEA Credit consideration.

Validation and Audit

Each Activity listed in the Activity-Credit Table has Basic Validation and Audit criteria associated with it. All Basic Validation tasks for a given Activity will be performed every time an applicant applies for credit in that Activity. In addition, Audit tasks for any Activity may be performed at random or at the discretion of the Certification Committee for any application. See section 3.2 for Basic Validation and Audit criteria for each Activity.

Multiple individuals may be involved in reviewing an applicant’s CEA documentation. No individual may in any way be involved in reviewing his/her own CEA documentation.

Options for CFPS Certification Extension

Take the Current CFPS Exam

An individual may take the current CFPS exam to continue his/her CFPS Certification (become “re-certified”). This option eliminates the requirement for any additional education, experience or training classes for that individual. The CFPS expiration date is based solely on the date the individual passed the current CFPS exam.

Major Change to the Counting Practices Manual (CPM)

If there is a Major Change to the CPM, an individual will be required to take the current CFPS Exam reflecting the Major Change to become certified (“re-certified”) under the new Major Change version of the CPM.

A Major Change is generally defined as a “substantial change” to the CPM that warrants a version change to the next X.0 (e.g.; 4.0 to 5.0) version designation. The version number is updated as recommended by the Counting Practices Committee (CPC) with IFPUG BOD approval.

A caveat to the CFPS Certification Extensions is that an individual will only be allowed to obtain one CFPS Certification Extension if a Major Change occurs during their current CFPS Certification. The extension of this scenario would extend their current level of certification and would not provide the individual with certification at the new Major Change level.

Minor change to CPM OR No change to CPM

An individual must accumulate CEC from the Activity-Credit List. The CEC must be accumulated before the current CFPS Certification expires. The accumulation of CEC would “extend” an individual’s CFPS Certification for a period of up to three years.

An individual may, if desired, make his/her certification “current” with the latest version of the CPM under a minor change. This would be accomplished by taking a class that categorizes and explains the minor changes to the CPM, similar to the FP230 class that was available for the version 4.0 to 4.1 changes. Note that this option does not extend an individual’s certification expiration date.

Activity-Credit Table

The following table identifies the Activities that may be used for Certification Extension Activity credit.

Activity Number Activity Description Credits
1 Attend an IFPUG Conference that is CEA eligible OR Attend an IFPUG Affiliate/Chapter Conference that is CEA eligible* 1 Year Extension per documented occurrence
2 Present one CEA eligible presentation at an IFPUG Conference OR Present one CEA eligible presentation at an IFPUG Affiliate/Chapter Conference* 1 Year Extension per documented occurrence
3 Perform CEC eligible FP counts (minimum 2000 UFP) 1 Year Extension per documented occurrence
4 Validate 10 CEC eligible FP counts 1 Year Extension per documented occurrence
5 Author/co-author two CEC eligible FP white papers or articles 1 Year Extension per documented occurrence
6 Participate on an an IFPUG Functional Sizing Standards Committee or Certification Committee 1 Year Extension For Each Year Of Service
7 Other FP Activity. This Activity is to cover FP activities that are not included in the current Activity-Credit Table. Credit is given at the discretion of Certification Committee and with the approval of the IFPUG Board. Credits TBD

Conference presentations attended during the same week that an individual sits for the CFPS exam may be applied to his/her next extension period, assuming a successful exam.

All materials submitted as part of the CFPS Certification Extension application process will be retained by the IFPUG Office unless otherwise noted.

* For a list of current Affiliate members, please visit

Conferences Eligible for Certification Extension Activity Credit

See Below

CFPS Certification Extension Program Submission Forms

Click on the links below to view and/or download the forms needed to extend your CFPS Certification.

Download the Entire CEP Program

If you have questions, Contact the Chair of the Certification Extension subcommittee at [email protected]

Conferences Eligible for Certification Extension Credit

Listed below are the only conferences eligible for certification extension credits since 2019, and to review the full PDF click here .

Conference Name Conference Dates
ISMA22 – Workshop – Measurement of Microservices Architecture using FP and SNAP (Madrid, Spain) October 5, 2024
ISMA 22 (Madrid, Spain) October 4, 2024
GUFPI-ISMA 1° Evento Metrico 2024 (Rome, Italy) May 10, 2024
ISMA21 Virtual Conference - Session 5, What's the right EP Type? December 1, 2023
1° #EventoMetrico 2023 GUFPI-ISMA (Rome, Italy) May 5, 2023
IFPUG ISMA20 Virtual Conference May 4, 2023
3° Evento Metrico 2022 GUFPI-ISMA (Rome, Italy) November 18, 2022
2° Evento Metrico 2022 GUFPI-ISMA (Virtual Conference) September 23, 2022
IFPUG ISMA19 Virtual Conference June 24, 2022
1° Evento Metrico 2022 GUFPI-ISMA (Virtual Conference) May 20, 2022
Virtual GUFPI ISMA 2° #EventoMetrico 2021 September 24, 2021
IFPUG ISMA18 Virtual Conference June 24, 2021
1st EventoMetrico 2021 GUFPI-ISMA (Virtual) May 28, 2021
GUFPI-ISMA (Rome, Italy) September 18, 2020
2020 IT Confidence Virtual Conference August 28, 2020
IFPUG virtual conference July 29, 2020
GUFPI-ISMA (Padua, Italy) November 29, 2019
BFPUG 2019 (Sao Paulo, Brazil) November 7, 2019
GUFPI-ISMA (Rome, Italy) September 20, 2019
GUFPI-ISMA (Rome, Italy) May 17, 2019
ISMA17 (Bangalore, India) March 8, 2019

Questions? Please reach out to Certification Committee at [email protected] with questions about conferences and continuing education eligibility.