
New IFPUG Knowledge Cafe Webinar: Driving Culture Change Through Software Functional Metrics

January 31, 2021

We are happy to open the IFPUG Knowledge Café webinar series with new energy. This time we are hosting three awesome speakers […]

Available a New Edition of MetricViews: “New Trends in Measuring Software Size to Answer Questions About Productivity and Software Value”

December 5, 2020

IFPUG announces that the second semester edition of MetricViews is now available. In this edition you can read the vision of worldwide metric […]

Cafe Webinar Series: Trends in Agility – Implications for Function Measurement

November 2, 2020

  As we are nearing the end of 2020, we are gearing up for the last edition of IFPUG Coffee Talk for […]

Cafe Webinar Series: Navigating the Minefield – Estimating before requirements are complete

October 11, 2020

IFPUG has arranged for the third Coffee Talk in the month of October. We are happy for the response we received in […]

SNAP, Candidate to Be an ISO Standard. Questionnaire About Your Experience

September 13, 2020

SNAP is a Candidate to Be an ISO Standard. Following the approval of SNAP as an international sizing standard IEEE 2430-2019, IEEE […]

IFPUG Annual Meeting October 5, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST

September 8, 2020

The IFPUG Board of Directors would like to invite you to our IFPUG Annual Meeting to be held October 5, 2020 from 2:00 […]

IFPUG Knowledge Webinar: ISBSG Project and Application Data. September 16, 2020

August 27, 2020

IFPUG is hosting the next Coffee Talk under the ‘IFPUG Knowledge Cafe’ series with the intent to connect with our members. Here […]

2020 IFPUG Board of Directors Candidates Announced

August 26, 2020

2020 IFPUG Board of Directors Candidates Announced As the Chair of the 2020 IFPUG Nominating Committee, I am pleased to present to you this year’s slate […]

IFPUG Certification Extension Eligible: August, 28; 2020 IT Confidence Conference

August 23, 2020

IFPUG announces that the 2020 IT Confidence Conference will be eligible for IFPUG Certification Extension, based on the conference “IFPUG FP and SNAP analysis […]

Interview With Christine Green (IFPUG President): IFPUG Vision and Key Points on IT Metrics

August 23, 2020

Sometimes an interview is better than a thousand written words. In this genuine interview from Noémi André to Christine Green, the current […]
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