As the Chair of the 2018 IFPUG Nominating Committee, I am pleased to present to you this year’s slate of candidates for one (1) open position on the IFPUG Board of Directors. Below the candidate’s bios.
Voting members may cast your ballot by accessing the following link. Corporate members should contact your main point of contact to determine if you are a voting member and for your special member number for voting.
All ballots must be received by close of business (5 PM, US Eastern Daylight Time) on October 4, 2018 (votes submitted after that time will not be counted). Election results will be announced during the Annual Meeting on October 18.
Tom Cagley (Chair, IFPUG 2018 Nominating Committee, and IFPUG Immediate Past President)
Nominating Committee:
Christine Green, IFPUG Vice President
Antonio Ferre Albero, IFPUG Member At-Large
Board of Directors Candidates (click here for the bios)