About a year ago, volunteers from several companies, located in 10 countries worldwide and working in 10 different industries, participated in the SNAP Beta test and validated the correlation between SNAP size and work effort.
This work brought a supreme contribution to the success of SNAP. The interest in SNAP is constantly growing, more and more companies are interested in using SNAP and manufacturers of estimation tools are interested in incorporating SNAP into their tools.
The IFPUG NFSS Comittee invites you as IFPUG members and your development organizations to participate in the collection of SNAP data for the purpose of publishing Non-Functional size benchmarks. The collection of non-functional size data is critical to the process of standardizing SNAP as the leading non-functional sizing method.
The SNAP Team is requesting the involvement from a wide variety of organizations including yours. This will allow us to produce an effective set of data. This important effort is a volunteer commitment. Each organization will be asked to send data from projects that were assessed using SNAP. The SNAP Team will provide a form to record your effort, results and experience.
We also ask your help in publishing case studies, describing how non-functional requirements were analyzed and sized. These Case studies will be published either as additional examples in the next APM releases, or as stand-alone documents, on the IFPUG on-line store. In both cases, the author name will be published with the case study.
If you are interested in assisting us, please respond by 31 of December 2013 by sending an email to the following email address [email protected].
All data from participating organizations will be held in the strictest confidence. IFPUG will eliminate any reference to individuals or organizations prior to passing data to benchmarking repositories and estimation tools’ database.
Kathy Lamoureaux, CFPS