Early Bird Registration extended until September 6th, register now!
If you are in Brazil, go here to register; otherwise go here.
Depending on your eligibility, attending the conference is a CFPS CEC activity.
See the CFPS Certification Extension Program page for more details.
This is the eighth edition of ISMA – The International Software Measurement & Analysis Conference hosted by IFPUG. It is the second time that ISMA comes to Brazil, this time your money should go further as the exchange rate is favorable. The first was “ISMA Cinco!”, in 2010 in Sao Paulo. This time the conference will happen October 1-2 in Rio, rated #1 by The New York Times in the 46 places to go in 2013. With SNAP Training and the new SNAP certification exam being given prior to ISMA 8, a trip to Brazil will be an excellent value. Or perhaps you would want to stay for the IT Confidence Conference provided by ISBSG, following ISMA8. Book your trip today!
Venue: Av. Graça Aranha, 1 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro – CEP 20030-002
Featured Speakers: Some of the Speakers at ISMA Rio include:
Joe Schofield, IFPUG President
Joe Schofield is the President of the International Function Point Users Group and an independent consultant. He retired from Sandia National Laboratories as a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff after a 31-year career. Joe has facilitated over 100 teams in the areas of software specification, team building and organizational planning by using lean six sigma and business process reengineering. He has taught IT graduate courses since 1990. He was a licensed girl’s mid-school basketball coach for 21 seasons–the last five undefeated, over a span of 50 games. He has over 80 published books, papers, conference presentations and keynotes-including the books The IFPUG Guide to IT and Software Measurement (2012), IT Measurement, Certified Function Point Specialist Exam Guide, and The Economics of Software Quality. He is a CMMI Institute-certified Instructor for the Introduction to the CMMI® and two other CMMI Institute courses, CSQA, CFPS, and a CSMS. Joe completed his Master’s degree in MIS at the University of Arizona in 1980. By “others” he is known as a husband, father, and grand-father.
Joe’s presentation will address Automated Function Points – Threat or Opportunity:
- Automated counting tools are here-what is the impact?
- What are the limitations of counting FPs from code?
- Is faster better? Is consistent better? You may be surprised at the answer.
Steve Woodward, IFPUG Director of Education & Conference Services
Steven Woodward is founder and CEO of Cloud Perspectives, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He is an industry leader for software measurement, estimation and governance for over 20 years. He currently is leading the US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards for Technology (NIST) Cloud Computing Carrier sub-group to clarify the roles and activities for data transportation service providers. Steven is Director of Conferences and Education at IFPUG, continually identifying realistic interpretations and extensions of the IFPUG method for over 18 years. Steven is a key advisor establishing Canadian Government cloud computing strategies and continues contributing to international cloud computing guides with the ITU-T (United Nations), IEEE , Canadian Cloud Council, Cloud Standards Customer Council and TM Forum.
Steve’s presentation will address Cloud Computing:
- It provides new challenges for Information Technology solutions
- What are some of the key instruments? and
- Is there a place in the cockpit for function points?
Marcio Silveira, Program manager Hewlett Packard (EDS), Brazil
Marcio was director of IFPUG International and Organizational Affairs during 6 years, an international organization dedicated to promote Function Points and measurement. Márcio has over 30 years of experience in the IT industry in positions related to process improvement, applications development and management and consulting. He is currently Program Manager and Risk Advisor in the Applications and Business Services within HP, supporting several HP customers. He is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During his career he worked in several technical and managerial roles. He led and provided mentoring and coaching to an organization that raised its CMMI maturity level from 1 to 5 in 7 years. During this period techniques such as SPC were used. In the metrics and estimating area Márcio works with estimating models based on Function Points and other size measurements. In Brazil he helps to promote and increase the number of people certified in the Function Point technique.
Marcio’s presentation will address the main elements that should be in place in order to deliver a fixed-price function point project/contract. A real project will be used as an example and the lessons learned captured in this project will be shared with the audience. Since it is a huge project (6,000 Function Point delivered in 20 months) and totally billed in Function Points it can be a good source for discussion.
Christine Green, IFPUG Director of Applied Programs
Christine is the EMEA Manager for Measurement & Estimating Process at Hewlett-Packard. During the last 10 years she has focussed on Process Improvement especially in the area of Estimating and Metrics – but also in process implementation such as CMMI, SOX, ISO, ITIL. She has been teaching, supporting, mentoring, managing, held presentations at conferences, participated in committee meetings, all with high dedication to the idea that process improvement will benefit all. This has connected her to many people – both within HP (EDS) but also outside – since she has participated in conferences both in Europe and in the US during the last 5 years. Networking and sharing is in her mind and essential part of improvement of the definition and implementation of Processes.
Christine led the IFPUG Initiative to create the SNAP method and will share the presentation with Talmon Ben-Cnaan.
Talmon Ben-Cnaan, Chair of the IFPUG Non-Functional Sizing Standards Committee
Talmon is a Quality manager at Amdocs where he has been a leader of software metrics activities for two years. He has experience in metric definition (utilizing GQM), software metrics analysis, building tools to collect and analyse performance based on metrics. He initiated the implementation of Function Points in Amdocs; was head of FP analysis team; Provided counting services, productivity analysis, quality analysis base on FP; PMI member with over 20 years experience in project management. Experienced in implementing software development processes; expert in CMMI methodology and implementing CMMI requirements in many groups within Amdocs during the past four years, in charge of testing methodologies in Amdocs/TIS.
Talmon’s presentation will address the development and use of Software Non-functional Assessment Process (SNAP). Talmon and Christine will review the CSP designation as a formal recognition of a level of expertise in the area of SNAP, specifically expertise in both knowledge and application of the counting rules according to the IFPUG Assessment Practices Manual (APM). See additional information about SNAP here.
Here is a look at the preliminary agenda.
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